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BCW Coin Tubes - 7 Sizes Available
BCW Coin Tubes - 7 Sizes Available
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Unbreakable plastic screw on cap
Air tight lock for permanent security

Single Units
Case Contains 98 or 100 Units

Item# Item Name Qty Add
1-T-PENN-U BCW Coin Tubes Penny -Unit
1-T-PENN-C BCW Coin Tubes Penny- Case (100 Units)
1-T-NICK-U BCW Coin Tubes -Nickel -Unit
1-T-NICK-C BCW Coin Tubes -Nickel- Case (100 Units)
1-T-DIME-U BCW Coin Tubes - Dime -Unit
1-T-DIME-C BCW Coin Tubes - Dime- Case (100 Units)
1-T-QRTR-U BCW Coin Tubes --Quarter -Unit
1-T-QRTR-C BCW Coin Tubes --Quarter- Case (100 Units)
1-T-SMDL-U BCW Coin Tubes- -US Small Dollar/Loonie -Unit
1-T-SMDL-C BCW Coin Tubes- -US Small Dollar/Loonie- Case (100 Units)
1-T-HFDL-U BCW Coin Tubes-- US Half Dollar/Toonie -Unit
1-T-HFDL-C BCW Coin Tubes-- US Half Dollar/Toonie- Case (98 Units)
1-T-DOLL-U BCW Coin Tubes---US Dollar -Unit
1-T-DOLL-C BCW Coin Tubes---US Dollar- Case (98 Units)
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