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Magic - Born Of The Gods (2014) - Event Deck
Magic - Born Of The Gods (2014) - Event Deck

This deck features a mix of aggressive mechanics. Unleash lets you choose to have your creature enter the battlefield with a +1/+1 counter at the cost of not being able to block. Bestow lets you cast some of your creatures as Auras that turn into creatures if the target they are enchanting is removed.

Display Contains 6 Event Decks
(Deck has 75 Cards)

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Born of the Gods Event Deck Breakdown

Creature (26)

3 Tormented Hero

4 Rakdos Cackler

1 Blood Scrivener

1 Pack Rat

3 Spiteful Returned

4 Rakdos Shred-Freak

3 Mogis's Marauder

2 Xathrid Necromancer

1 Agent of the Fates

1 Herald of Torment

1 Crypt Ghast

1 Erebos's Emissary

1 Desecration Demon

Instant (9)

3 Doom Blade

2 Ultimate Price

2 Bile Blight

1 Hero's Downfall

1 Fated Return

Enchantment (1)

1 Gift of Orzhova

Land (24)

24 Swamp

Sideboard (15)

2 Gift of Orzhova

3 Cremate

2 Dark Betrayal

4 Duress

2 Pharika's Cure

2 Staff of the Death Magus

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